In the quaint yet enigmatic small city of Mystery Matters, an unexpected alliance forms between a curious archaeologist and a tenacious detective, igniting a whirlwind of thrilling escapades. As players navigate through a labyrinth of kidnapping, murder, and secret societies, they will also delve into personal stories of love and rivalry among its citizens. With challenges ranging from hidden object searches to intricate three-in-a-row puzzles, gamers can renovate the old mansion and its surrounding garden while uncovering the city’s best-kept secrets. Dive into this captivating world with our exclusive list of Mystery Matters gift codes, enhancing your adventure today!

Latest of Mystery Matters Codes


Expired Codes

XY123-ABCD-4567: 100 Coins
MC987-ZXYW-3210: 50 Gems
LM456-QRST-8901: 3 Hint Tokens
JK234-PQRS-5678: Exclusive Outfit
FG567-HIJK-1234: 20% Off Next Purchase
QR789-UVWX-4321: 5 Energy Boosts
OP012-ABCDE-6789: Mystery Box
CD345-FGHI-9012: Extra Lives x2

Mystery Matters Codes FAQ

How to Redeem Codes in Mystery Matters

  1. Launch the Game: Start Mystery Matters on your device and wait for the main menu to load.
  2. Navigate to Settings: Locate and click on the settings icon, usually found in the top corner of the screen.
  3. Select ‘Redeem Code’: In the settings menu, find the option that says ‘Redeem Code’ and click on it.
  4. Enter Your Code: Input the code carefully in the provided field and confirm to receive your rewards.

What is Mystery Matters?

Mystery Matters is an immersive puzzle game that merges engaging storytelling with challenging gameplay. Players embark on a quest to decorate a mysterious house, solve intricate puzzles, and uncover secrets. However, many users have reported frustrations with difficult levels that often require power-ups and coins to complete. As players progress, the game increasingly becomes a financial burden, with some levels deemed nearly impossible without spending real money. While the early levels are enjoyable and captivating, later stages can feel like a money trap, where countless hours are spent trying to beat a few stages, only to be met with even more challenging obstacles. The game’s appealing storylines, such as the fate of characters like Jhoanna, keep players intrigued, but the difficulty spikes can lead to a growing sense of aggravation. This dichotomy of enjoyment versus frustration makes Mystery Matters a tempting yet challenging choice, particularly for those seeking a free gaming experience without constant expenditure.

How to Get New Codes in Mystery Matters

Getting new codes in Mystery Matters is easy! Developers often release promotional codes through their social media platforms. Follow Mystery Matters on their official accounts to stay updated. Check out their social pages on [Facebook](Facebook), [Discord](Discord), [Twitter](Twitter), and [Youtube](Youtube) for the latest announcements and code drops.

Additionally, join fan communities and forums where players often share new codes and discuss strategies. Regularly checking these platforms can help you stay ahead and enjoy exciting rewards in the game. Remember to redeem your codes quickly, as they may have expiration dates or limited uses. Happy gaming!

Game Information

  1. Title - Mystery Matters
  2. Developer - Playrix
  3. Mail - [email protected]
  4. Homepage -
  5. Version - 2.6.0
  6. Installs - 1,000,000+
  7. Download - Android
  8. Address - 4th floor, Red Oak North, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18 D18 X5K7, Ireland