In the thrilling world of X-Samkok, players are transported to a fantastical realm inspired by the legendary Three Kingdoms, where strategy and mecha battles reign supreme. As you navigate this vibrant landscape filled with challenging warlords and epic quests, excitement awaits with exclusive giveaways and powerful rewards. To help you on your journey, we’ve compiled a list of the latest gift codes that unlock fantastic prizes, from 2,500 draws to unique weapons and limited-time skins. Prepare for adventure and claim your place among the heroes of this captivating idle RPG!

Latest of X-Samkok Codes


Expired Codes

XY12345: 100 Coins
AB67890: 50 Gems
CD54321: 10 Health Potions
EF98765: 5 Power Boosts
GH13579: Special Skin
IJ24680: Experience Boost

X-Samkok Codes FAQ

How to Redeem Codes in X-Samkok

  1. Launch the Game: Open X-Samkok on your device and ensure you are connected to the internet.
  2. Access the Menu: Navigate to the game’s main menu and look for the settings or redeem code option, usually depicted with a gift box icon.
  3. Enter the Code: Input your valid code in the designated field, ensuring no mistakes are made.
  4. Confirm and Redeem: Hit the confirm button, and wait for a notification to confirm your rewards have been successfully redeemed.

What is X-Samkok?

X-Samkok is a mobile game that immerses players in a strategy-based realm, heavily inspired by historical and mythical battles. However, many players express frustration over the game’s pay-to-win model, where significant features and events are often hidden behind paywalls. Players have noted that most in-game events demand at least a dollar to access even basic rewards, which has left many feeling disenfranchised.

Critics emphasize the need for more engaging content, particularly suggestions like introducing a “Group Trial” feature. This would allow players within their server zones to collaborate and tackle challenging stages for greater rewards. By focusing on enhancing gameplay experiences rather than simply adding a plethora of heroes, X-Samkok could significantly improve its appeal. Players are eager for a game that prioritizes enjoyment and community engagement, urging developers to shift their focus from monetization to creating a richer, more dynamic gaming environment.

How to Get New Codes in X-Samkok

To acquire new codes for X-Samkok, players should stay actively engaged with the game’s community. Follow the official social media channels for real-time updates and code releases. Check the game’s official website and forums often, as developers frequently post new codes during events or milestones.

Joining groups on social platforms like Facebook, Discord, Twitter, and YouTube can keep you informed about the latest announcements and exclusive codes. Be sure to interact with the community, as fellow players may share codes that aren’t widely advertised.

Here are some helpful links to connect with X-Samkok on social media:
– Facebook: X-Samkok Facebook
– Discord: X-Samkok Discord
– Twitter: X-Samkok Twitter
– YouTube: X-Samkok YouTube

Stay connected and enjoy the game!

Game Information

  1. Title - X-Samkok
  2. Developer - TTHmobi
  3. Mail - [email protected]
  4. Version - 1.1.83
  5. Installs - 1,000,000+
  6. Download - Android