In the enchanting world of “Lost Dungeon: The Relic Hunter,” players embark on an exhilarating journey as a ‘traveler’ in the mystical city of Arcadias. This pixel-style adventure RPG, crafted by CRAZYMIND, allows you to choose from five distinct classes—Knight, Warrior, Mage, Ranger, and Assassin—each offering unique abilities for thrilling gameplay. As you battle formidable foes and explore intricately designed dungeons, you’ll seek out extraordinary treasures and valuable gear that can be customized to enhance your character’s strengths. To elevate your quest, we’ve compiled a list of exciting gift codes to help you unlock even more adventures!

Latest of Lost Dungeon:The Relic Hunter Codes


Expired Codes

LDRELIC1: 500 Gold
LDRELIC3: Rare Weapon
LDRELIC4: 5 Health Potions
LDRELIC5: 10 Gemstones
LDRELIC6: Legendary Armor
LDRELIC7: 3 Treasure Maps
LDRELIC8: 50 Monster Tokens
LDRELIC9: Epic Relic

Lost Dungeon:The Relic Hunter Codes FAQ

How to Redeem Codes in Lost Dungeon: The Relic Hunter

  1. Launch the Game: Open Lost Dungeon: The Relic Hunter on your device.
  2. Access the Menu: Navigate to the main menu and locate the “Settings” or “Options” tab.
  3. Enter Code: Find the “Redeem Code” section and input your unique code carefully.
  4. Confirm Redemption: Click the confirm button; your rewards should appear in your inventory shortly.

Enjoy your adventure with the new benefits!

What is Lost Dungeon:The Relic Hunter?

Lost Dungeon: The Relic Hunter is an exciting action-adventure game that immerses players in a richly detailed fantasy world filled with mysterious dungeons and ancient relics. As a treasure hunter, players embark on thrilling quests to explore the depths of perilous dungeons, each offering unique challenges and hidden secrets. The game features a captivating storyline where players must uncover the lore of the relics, contend with menacing creatures, and solve intricate puzzles.

Players can customize their characters, choosing from various classes and skill sets, allowing for diverse gameplay styles. The art style is vibrant, with beautifully crafted environments that breathe life into the game world. Additionally, Lost Dungeon offers cooperative multiplayer gameplay, enabling friends to join forces and tackle dungeons together.

With a blend of exploration, strategy, and action, Lost Dungeon: The Relic Hunter provides an exhilarating experience for fans of the genre, inviting players to discover the treasures that lie hidden within its enigmatic depths.

How to Get New Codes in Lost Dungeon: The Relic Hunter

To unlock exciting rewards in Lost Dungeon: The Relic Hunter, players can use promo codes. To find new codes, follow these tips:

1. **Official Social Media**: Regularly check the game’s official pages on platforms like Facebook, Discord, Twitter, and YouTube. Developers often share codes through posts or live streams.

2. **Community Forums**: Engage with the gaming community on forums or subreddits dedicated to Lost Dungeon. Players often share updated codes and tips.

3. **In-Game Events**: Participate in special in-game events or promotions as codes may be distributed during these occasions.

Stay active and connected to never miss a chance for new codes!

Game Information

  1. Title - Lost Dungeon:The Relic Hunter
  2. Developer - Crazymind Corp
  3. Mail - [email protected]
  4. Homepage -
  5. Version - 2.4.0
  6. Installs - 100,000+
  7. Download - Android
  8. Address - 서울특별시 서초구 마방로6길 46 혜전빌딩 2층