In the enchanting realm of Dragon Village, tranquility has given way to turmoil as monstrous invaders threaten the peace. As a valiant defender, you are tasked with harnessing the power of legendary dragons to reclaim your home. With a wealth of skills and strategies at your disposal—and a variety of unique bosses to conquer—it’s crucial to stay equipped for the battles ahead. One way to boost your chances of survival is by utilizing gift codes that offer valuable resources. In this article, we’ll share a list of Dragon Survival gift codes to bolster your arsenal and enhance your gameplay experience!

Latest of Dragon Survival Codes


Expired Codes

FLYHIGH2023: 1000 Gems
SURVIVALIST22: Rare Dragon Egg
WATERWINGS2023: Aqua Shield
WINTERWARRIOR7: Frostbite Spell
WINGSOFGLORY23: Legendary Dragon

Dragon Survival Codes FAQ

How to Redeem Codes in Dragon Survival

  1. Launch the Game: Open Dragon Survival on your device and ensure you’re logged into your account.
  2. Locate the Redeem Section: Look for the ‘Codes’ or ‘Redemption’ button, often found in the main menu or settings area of the game.
  3. Enter the Code: Type or paste your code in the designated field and hit ‘Redeem’. If valid, you’ll receive your rewards instantly!

Enjoy your bonuses and enhance your Dragon Survival experience!

What is Dragon Survival?

Dragon Survival is an engaging survival game that stands out due to its unique abilities and captivating pixel art. Players wield weapons with special powers like freeze, curse, and burn, enhanced by impressive visual effects. Additionally, players can upgrade their dragons, unlocking further abilities, though these upgrades can be quite costly. While many players enjoy the random events for gold and equipment, the grind can become tedious after months of play. Some users express a desire for regular updates introducing new events to maintain excitement.

Although the game features a one-time payment option to skip ads, the constant presence of advertisements for daily rewards can detract from the experience. Players may find it challenging to progress without watching ads, leading to a perceived pay-to-win model. The game’s aesthetics and audio quality are appreciated, but many feel that a well-designed interface doesn’t compensate for a lack of engaging content, leaving them questioning whether it’s worth the effort to continue playing.

How to Get New Codes for Dragon Survival

To unlock exciting new features and enhancements in Dragon Survival, it’s crucial to stay updated on the latest codes. Developers often release these codes through various channels. Follow Dragon Survival on social media platforms like Facebook, join the community on Discord, and keep an eye on announcements on Twitter. Additionally, check the official YouTube channel for gameplay videos and code reveals. Engaging with the community can also lead to discovering exclusive codes shared by other players. Regularly visiting these platforms will ensure you never miss out on valuable codes that can enhance your gaming experience. Happy gaming and good luck!

Game Information

  1. Title - Dragon Survival
  2. Developer - Alchemist Games Inc.
  3. Mail - [email protected]
  4. Homepage -
  5. Version - 1.113
  6. Installs - 500,000+
  7. Download - Android
  8. Address - 704, 25, Ttukseom-ro 1-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul